PhotonicsMEInternational Advisory Committee

Chris Mellody
Director, Photonyx Global, USA

Krishn Anand
President and CEO, Photonyx Global, USA

Greg Sarnov
Founder, Direct Response Academy, USA

Dr. Hans Bjelkhagen
Holography Scientist, UK                 

Catherine Weir
Director, Concordia Global Finance, Frmr. CEO, City Pvt. Bank EMEA

Dr. Ajith Kumar P.T
Inventor and Chief Technology Officer, Photonics Innovations, UAE

Sir. (Dr.) Sohan Roy S.K
CEO and Founder, Aries Group, UAE

Norman Ng
Sec. General, World UAV Federation, Hong Kong

Dr. Jithesh Sathyan
Principal Technology Architect, Digital Experince, Infosys

Dr. Alex Smyk
Holography Scientist and Technocrat, Moscow, Russia

Syam S. Pillai
Global IT Chief, Habib Bank, Zurich

Daies Idicilla
Gulf Medical University , UAE

PhotonicsMEInvited Talks

Prof. John Dudley
Universite Bourgogne France-Comete, and Chair, UNESCO - IDL, France

Prof. Hans Bjelkhagen
Holography Scientist, Glyndwr University, UK                 

Prof. R.S. Sirohi
Former Director, IIT- New Delhi; Alabama A&M University, USA

Prof. Murukeshan
Director, Center for Optical and Laser Engineer, NTU, Singapore

Prof. Joby Joseph
Head Optica and Photonic Centre, IIT, New Delhi, India


Prof. V.P.N. Nampoori
Fmr. Director, International School of Photonics, CUSAT

Prof. Nandakumar
Fmr. Director, IIUC - Nanoscience MGU; C-BLU, Lyon University, France

Dr. Jayasree
FRSC, FASCH, FISAS, Scientist G and Head, Biophotonics and Imaging Division, SCTIMST, India

Dr. Ajith Kumar P.T
Inventor and CTO Photonics Innovations, UAE

Udgam Goyal
AI Expert and Product Manager, Aurora, USA

Prof. Indrani Bhattacharya
S.S. University, Calcutta

Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Prof. IIT-Delhi and Bennett University